Chakra Jewel 0
Kyanite Earrings for Throat Chakra
Chakra Jewel


 The fifth chakra is located in the throat, as well as the ears and nose.  It responds to the color blue.

Stone: Kyanite

Size: approximately 1/2" diamond shape or 12mm diamond shape

Kyanite earrings

Description: Kyanite is characterized by a glistening, satiny sort of look.  Our blue kyanite earrings make me think of the eyes of a child.  The color is innocent and refreshing.  The majority of kyanite is gray to colorless, so the blue and green varieties are far more rare.  Kyanite is found in Virgina and California in the United States and is also mined in South Africa.  Wear these earrings with a pair of faded denims and a white t-shirt and you're good to go anywhere in the world.

Throat Chakra Information for Kyanite Earrings

The throat chakra is also the fifth chakra and is focused on communication.  It is about finding your truth and expressing it.  This is no easy task.  It requires an honest look at yourself and the courage and integrity to stand up for what you truly believe.  While this depth of personal clarity is highly admirable, care must be taken to allow for other viewpoints to exist.  This highly creative area of our personalities brings forth the artist within.  Dancing, singing, acting, painting, writing, etc. are forms of creative self expression.  The guiding principle of this chakra is truth.  It is the defining element in what makes art such a powerful form of communication.  


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