Amethyst Necklace for Crown Chakra
The seventh chakra resides in the space just above the head. It resonates with the colors purple and white
Stone: Amethyst
Size: approximately 5/8" long x 3/8" wide -or- 15mm x 8mm
Amethyst Necklace
Description: Amethyst is a form of quartz and comes in many shades of purple. Our crown chakra necklace is a rich, very dark purple that has been paired with a smaller, lighter colored amethyst for accent. The barrel shape is created by cutting long facets that run down the length of the stone. Both the unusual cut and high polish make this amethyst a memorable jewel you will enjoy wearing. Not only does purple represent the highest chakra, throughout history, purple has been considered a royal color, making amethyst a preferred choice for kings and queens the world over.
Crown Chakra information for Amethyst Necklace