Posted by Donna Cook on
The third chakra is also called the core chakra. Just as the sun is the center of the solar system, the third or core chakra is the center of your chakra system. Located in the center of the body, the emotions of this chakra are highly stimulated by the color yellow. Core chakra energy whips up feelings of confidence, determination, discipline and the breath of life (Prana). It is the voice inside you that says, I Can. People who are balanced and comfortable in their third chakra are tremendously successful simply because self confidence is a magnet for others. Imbalances in this...
Posted by Donna Cook on

Drusy (druzy) is the term used to describe very fine crystals that grow on or inside of a stone. It has the appearance of a "sugar coating" that makes the stone look like it's covered in glitter. No wonder it's become so popular! Drusy is most commonly found on quartz, which is formed from silica (sand) and water. As the stone is exposed to other substances, drusy is formed. The color of drusy can be changed by infusing minerals such as titanium, which gives the drusy spectacular colors like those found in a peacock feather. In fact, drusy on white...
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- Tags: 7th chakra, crown chakra, drusy, white
The Meaning of Red
Posted by Donna Cook on

Red Power In the same way that moths are attracted to light, humans are drawn to the color red. Without any effort at all, red commands attention, and we must look. There are brighter colors in the spectrum, and according to studies, the most popular color in the world is blue, so what is it about red that makes it such a powerful influence in our lives? A History of Red Our prehistoric ancestors saw red in the fires that kept them warm and safe, but even more, it was the color of the blood that coursed through their bodies....
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- Tags: first chakra, red, root chakra
Posted by Donna Cook on

ARE WE STUCK? I've been trying to understand how our chakras play into politics and found an excellent website which I'm recommending as reading on this topic. (see below) It confirms my suspicions that Americans, at least as a society, are stuck somewhere between the first and second chakras. Let me explain. The chakra system is based on a range of emotions that exist in human beings. We all have these same emotions, ie, fear, hate, anger, love, hope, shame, courage, honesty, etc. They are part of our psychological make-up, and what we do with these emotions determines our level of...
Posted by Donna Cook on

TRUE BLUE Blue is about relationships. It is the color of givers, helpers, teachers, etc., but perhaps most of all, friends. Blue energizes the fifth chakra, which is located in the throat. It is the pure essence of truth. The phrase, true blue, refers to being loyal and is often used to describe a best friend - someone who will stand up for you when others do not. Indeed, those of us who have a friend who is true blue are among the very fortunate. BLUE IS PROFESSIONAL Blue connects us to feelings of reliability, trustworthiness, honesty, sincerity...
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- Tags: blue, fifth chakra, throat chakra