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Labradorite is Back!

Posted by Donna Cook on

  Flashy Labradorite Labradorite is a tricky sort of stone.  In the right light, it displays breathtaking flashes of color, from lavender and pink to neon blues and greens.  It is like holding stone made out of the northern lights.  Wow!  What makes it tricky is that the orientation of the stone has to be exactly right to reveal the brilliant flashes of color inside.  If the stone is not cut to show the flash, it appears a watery dull gray.  This makes cutting the stone of utmost importance!  One tiny tweak in how the stone sits in a piece of jewelry...

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Posted by Donna Cook on

Thanksgiving from the heart chakra. While we associate Thanksgiving with feasting, merriment and family, the spirit of Thanksgiving comes from the heart.   It is a commemoration of the kindness of Native Americans, who shared their knowledge of living off the land, sharing their food and survival skills with the starving white skinned people so woefully inept at living in nature. As we celebrate this Thanksgiving holiday, we need to remember that it is not what we eat, but the gratitude of having enough to eat, the humility of realizing how fortunate we are and the love for humanity, not just our families...

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Chakra Jewels For The Holidays

Posted by Donna Cook on

ALWAYS CUSTOM MADE Chakra Jewels are made after the order is placed.   This allows us to consider the person who placed the order and try to communicate with them through the gems.  Quality control is really important to us.  Since we purchase our beads by the string, some stones are more exciting than others.  Rarely do we use every stone from a strand, rather, we pick the nicest material to start with.  After close inspection for color, character, sparkle and cut, we pick the one that speaks to us. Some stones are fairly uniform, while other, such as RED CREEK...

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