Red Picture Jasper and Black Spinel Necklace #2 - Root Chakra Necklace
The root chakra is the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine. It is energized by the colors red and black.
Stone: Red Jasper and Black Spinel
Size: approximately 5/8"wide x 1" tall -or- 22mm x 28mm
Red Picture Jasper and Black Spinel Necklace
Description: This red jasper is combined with lots of white, making for stunning "pictures" within the stone. It has a clean crisp appearance that is eye catching and dramatic. While each piece is quite unique, the sample stone shown is a good representative of what we have available for sale. Depending on the stone, we pair it with either a black spinel (shown) or a fine red garnet. Our red picture jasper is earthy and exciting, making it a perfect root chakra necklace.